Believe it or not, I'm having a hard time finding a spare moment to update the blog these days!I am finally getting around to posting about Abbie's 2nd birthday (over a month late), plus a bunch of other random things that I think are blog-worthy. Here we go...
Abbie's 2nd Birthday
I already posted a little blurb about Abbie's birthday but I didn't have any pictures so here they are.
Opening presents
Abbie's first Barbie
Blowing out the candles
Playing with the cousins!
Mom and Dad with the birthday girl!
Abbie's 2-year check-up
We took Abbie in for her well-child check up and boy was that fun! She started crying as soon as we walked into the waiting room, and every time a nurse would open the door to call for someone, she would scream bloody murder! Basically she cried the ENTIRE time we were there. Her poor little body was shaking by the end. I hate taking her to the doctor! It almost makes me want to cry too. Anyway, she weighed in at about 24 lbs and was 34 inches tall. That puts her at around the 10th percentile for weight and the 65 percentile for height! Even though she doesn't weigh very much, she's maintaining her percentile, and we're grateful that we don't have to mess with the feeding tubes anymore.
Abbie's First Haircut
Abbie's hair was getting pretty long and pretty stringy on the ends. so I decided it was time for a trim. After our experience at the doctor's office, I figured that going to a salon was out of the question. (She also has a lot of stranger anxiety) We were over at G & G Johnson's house for Uncle Taylor's birthday dinner and I asked my mom if she would have a go at it. So, we put Abbie up on the bathroom counter with some toys and started cutting. She really did pretty good unless she saw the scissors, but it was pretty easy to distract her again and we got through it with only one big tantrum. Thanks Grandma J!
During (playing in the sink)
What a cutie! (sorry, no pants! hehe)
Sadie is almost 2 months old now! We can't help but think that it was about this time that we were finally able to bring Abbie home from the hospital! I can't believe how different this 7 1/2 weeks were compared to Abbie's first 7 1/2 weeks of life. We're so grateful for our two, healthy little girls and the joy they bring to our little family
Abbie at 7 1/2 weeks
Sadie at 7 weeks