Abbie's blessing day
We had a little get-together afterward with friends and family. Thanks to all who came and who helped with the food! Sadie was a little tuckered out because of all the attention and I had to snap some pics. I thought she looked like a little angel! She was so happy when she woke up and I was able to get one of the first good smiling pictures that we have of her! (PS - I didn't fluff her hair like that on purpose. It has a mind of it's own!)
Sadie had her 2 month appointment the other day (a little late). She was 10 weeks old and weighed in at 10 lbs 10 ounces (34th percentile) and 23 inches long (64th percentile). So apparently she is tall and skinny, though her thigh rolls tell a different story! Anyway, I had to take both girls with me, and if you read my last post, you know that the doctor's office isn't exactly Abbie's favorite place in the world. After explaining and repeating over and over that this appointment was NOT for her, I thought she would do ok. She started crying in the parking lot before we even got out of the car! So I proceeded to stumble into the doctor's office carrying a crying toddler, a diaper bag, and a car seat. Then I had to try and undress Sadie while Abbie was crawling all over my lap begging to go home. Fun stuff! Abbie finally calmed down when the nurse left and turned on Happy Feet for us. Dr. Eberhard came in a little while later and gave Abbie a sucker and some stickers. He also let her shine the little light in Sadie's mouth and listen to her heart with his stethoscope. She did fine the rest of the appointment until Sadie started screaming after her shots. Sadie was a trooper. she screamed for a minute or two and then calmed down and fell asleep. We'll see how the next appointment goes!