Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My baby is 1!!

Well, she's not technically one until tomorrow, but I've got a spare minute now and you never know when one of those will come again! Anyway, Sadie is an adorable little girl who makes us laugh, scream, and cry almost every day. She's a mover, climber, and shaker! She started walking when she was 10 1/2 months and she hasn't stopped since! She also loves to climb anything and everything. Tables, chairs, beds, couches, and the toybox are a few of her favorite things to climb. She has now figured out how to climb down from most places, which means a lot less bumps and tears at our house. She loves to dance and is a great addition to our family dance parties. She loves her bottle and luckily she has tranferred over to regular milk with no problems. I was a little sad when she lost interest in nursing, but now it's nice that I don't have to plan our day around nursing her. She's sort of in limbo when it comes to solid food. She doesn't love baby food anymore, but she's also not quite ready for most table foods. So for now, her diet consists of a little bit of baby food, lots and lots of cheerios, crackers, yogurt and anything sweet. Hopefully she'll decide to eat more regular food soon since she's on the small side already! She weighed 16 lbs 3 ozs at her 9 month appointment and I would guess that she's not much more than 17 lbs now.

She likes to give hugs and she's learning how to give nice slobbery kisses. She babbles quite a bit, but the only "word" she has said so far is "ba" for ball. She's said mama and dada a few times, but not regularly. She's also finally decided to let mommy get some much-needed sleep. I hope I'm not jinxing anything, but she's slept through the night for 4 nights in a row now. All I have to say is it's about time! She also takes two naps that usually total about 3 hours. She loves playing with her big sister, even though big sister is usually not too happy about it! So far, she loves people and will go to most anyone, but I think she's starting to get a little attatched to mom. Anyway, that's my baby girl in a nutshell! We're having a few parties for her this week, so I'll post more about those later. We sure love Sadie and can't remember what it was like without her in our family! Happy Birthday Sadie Mae!

Monday, January 30, 2012


I thought I had better blog about Christmas since I feel like I can't blog about anything else until I get this one done! Anyway, Christmas was a lot of fun this year, especially for Abbie. She got into the whole Santa Claus thing this year, loved playing with our nativity sets, and LOVED opening all her presents. Lance even sent her on a picture scavenger hunt to find her big present (a binky baby) and she really loved that. I'm guessing that's going to become a tradition! Sadie had fun too, although she wasn't too into opening her presents. She was mostly into eating everything in sight. Especially anything sweet! Man has that girl got a sweet tooth! Anyway, it was a little bit of a different Christmas since it was Sunday, so we got ready and went to church, and then we had to rush to G & G Johnson's house so we could call my brother Connor who is on a mission in Texas. After that, we had dinner, then went to G & G Moss' house to hang out with them and play with cousins. All in all, it was a great day! Here are some pics of our Chrismas morning...

Daddy helping Sadie open a present

Sadie inhaling a whole piece of chocolate orange

The best pic we have of both girls by the tree

Daddy and his girls!

Abbie trying out her new doctor kit

Mommy got a serger for Christmas. Hooray!

Abbie absent-mindedly feeding her new baby doll

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve started out with the traditional breakfast with the Johnson's. We went to Granny Annie's again and it was scrumptious! Abbie had no trouble scarfing down several large pieces of bacon and a whole patty sausage. She's a carnivore just like her daddy!

The whole gang at Granny Annie's

I have to post the pics where Abbie is actually smiling cute (these are few and far between lately)

Later that afternoon, we went to the Satchwell Family Christmas Party where we ate more delicious food, read and reenacted the nativity, opened cousin presents and pajamas, and tried (unsuccessfully) to get cute pictures of the girls. I cannot believe how difficult it was to get any good pictures! They were way too preoccupied playing with cousins and their new toys. Oh well, maybe next year!

Sadie was a sheperd in the nativity. Abbie refused to participate! hehe.

Abbie with her new binky baby (the only thing she asked for for Christmas)

Sadie talking on her new toy phone

Our pathetic attempt to get a picture of all the girls in our matching PJ's (my mom made all of these! Super cute!)

Another failed attempt at a family PJ picture! Oh well!

By the time the party was over, it was already time for bed, but we couldn't forget to leave cookies for Santa and sprinkle reindeer food on the lawn. Abbie was so excited, but luckily she was so tired out that she went to bed without too much fuss.

Abbie leaving cookies for Santa

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Moss Christmas Progressive Dinner

This year for the Moss Christmas Party, we had a progressive dinner. It was a lot of fun going around to all the houses, eating lots of yummy food, playing games, and opening presents. We love getting together with family, especially at Christmas time.

Sadie showing off her new walking skills and her cute new boots

Haley and Jackson showing off their Micheal Jackson dance skills

The entire Moss clan

Abbie and Bryson with their cousin gifts and hats from Great Grandma Moss

Sadie and Daddy opening presents

All six Moss brothers singing to Mom and Dad Moss

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