Friday, May 14, 2010

Gabby Abbie

Lately, Abbie has been jabbering a lot. And by a lot, I mean nonstop all day long! It's so cute because she acts like she's really having a conversation with us. She has started saying several understandable words like mama, dada, ball, dog, bye-bye, cheese, shoes, pants, bath, box, dance, and outside. Of course, to most people they still sound like jibberish, but we can tell. She also enjoys making animal noises and has about 6 or 7 animals in her repetoire. She likes screaming, growling, and using her tongue to make silly sounds. This is a little video we took at dinner when she was making sure her utensils knew that she was the boss.


  1. That was too funny! It's so fun when they start talking more!

  2. She is so darling & I love when the words start getting more understandable.
